Pregnant Woman Cautiously Infected with Zika Virus

Concerns about the impact of Zika virus infection on pregnant women are higher. This is due to the possibility of transmission to the fetus in the womb. Zika virus infection in pregnant women is associated with several congenital abnormalities and neurological disorders in infants. To minimize the risk of being infected with the Zika virus, pregnant women need to maintain cleanliness and health.

Risk to the Fetus

The Zika virus is generally transmitted by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. This type of mosquito is also known as a carrier of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), yellow fever and chikungunya. Zika virus infections generally only cause mild symptoms, even some without symptoms. Symptoms that arise when infected with the Zika virus can be:
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Joint pain.
  • Muscle ache.
  • Reddish eyes.
  • Headache.
Complaints due to Zika virus infection usually last for several days to one week. Not many require hospitalization or death due to Zika virus infection. However, the concern that arises is when the Zika virus infection attacks pregnant women. Zika virus infection in pregnant women is associated with the possibility of the fetus experiencing microcephalus, which is a congenital abnormality with the condition of the brain not developing properly and making the baby's head size smaller than a normal fetus. This condition can trigger seizures and stunted growth. In some cases, the Zika virus in pregnant women causes babies to be born with an imperfect brain structure. Vision and hearing abnormalities and poor growth and development also occur. But so far, it is not known with certainty about what gestational age is most vulnerable to the effects of Zika virus infection. In addition to microcephalus, Zika virus infection in pregnant women is also associated with triggers of Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is a nerve disorder that can trigger paralysis and even death. This syndrome causes the immune system to attack nerve cells, which causes muscles to weaken around the arms, legs, and respiratory muscles. Even so, until now still further research on the relationship of Zika virus infection with Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Sexually Transmitted Transmission

Now vigilance against Zika virus infections is increasingly increased after it was discovered that this virus can also be transmitted through fluid exchange from sexual relations. In addition, the Zika virus is also found in blood, urine, amniotic fluid, saliva, including in cerebrospinal fluid, and spinal cord. Most of the reported cases of transmission of the Zika virus through sexual contact are from men to women. Until now there have been no reports of cases that reveal transmission through sexual contact from women to men. Besides those who are at risk of transmitting, it is equally important to provide information to their partners about the possibility of transmission of Zika virus infection through sexual contact. Both men and women who have recently traveled from the area where the Zika virus spreads, are required to practice safe sex using condoms or avoid sexual intercourse for eight weeks. Meanwhile, men who experience symptoms of Zika virus infection, are required to use a condom every time they have sex or avoid it for at least six months. For those of you who are planning a pregnancy, you should postpone the pregnancy attempt at least eight weeks after being exposed to the Zika virus.

Proper Handling Method

Generally about one week after the first day symptoms develop, the Zika virus will soon disappear from the bloodstream. Although for some people, this virus can last longer. The diagnosis of Zika virus infection is based on the symptoms and infected area that has just been visited. To confirm the infection, laboratory tests can be done to see the presence of the Zika virus in the blood. In dealing with Zika virus infections, the treatment given by doctors is based on the symptoms that appear. In addition, patients will be asked to rest a lot and consume lots of fluids to prevent dehydration. Medicines given generally aim to relieve the symptoms experienced. For example paracetamol, to reduce pain and fever. If necessary, the doctor will give medicines through intravenous fluids, especially in more severe conditions.


Pregnant women should postpone a visit to a country or region that is being hit by Zika virus infection. For people who are forced, then beforehand must make efforts to prevent mosquito bites by:
  • Use long-sleeved clothes, long pants or clothes that cover the body well.
  • Using anti-mosquito drugs.
  • Utilize mosquito nets or other tools that can dispel mosquitoes while sleeping.
In addition, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia also suggested prevention efforts in the form of the 3M Plus movement, which is to drain, cover and utilize or recycle used goods. It is also recommended to sprinkle larvicidal powder at each water reservoir. If you are a pregnant woman who has just returned from a country known to be infected with Zika virus, pay close attention to your health condition. Immediately consult a doctor if you suspect symptoms of Zika virus infection.


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